Anyway, a few links:
- I brought up this article before, but I'll mention it again: most of us are pretty bad at statistical reasoning.
- That radio show I love recently devoted an entire episode to probability:
- Here's a review of a decent book (The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives) on our tendency to misinterpret randomness as if it's an intentional pattern.
- This ability to see patterns where there are none may explain why so many of us believe in god (see section 5 in particular).
- What was that infinite monkey typewriter thing we were talking about in class?
- What's up with that recent recommendation that routine screenings for breast cancer should wait to your 50s rather than 40s? Math helps explain it.
- Another radio show I love ran a great 2-part series on the screening for diseases called "You Are Pre-Diseased":
Listen to Episode 1
Listen to Episode 2
- Statistics in sports is all the rage lately. It can justify counterintuitive decisions, like going for it instead of punting on 4th down... though don't expect the fans to buy that fancy math learnin'.

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