Sunday, February 21, 2010

Learning from Experience

Here's some stuff on inductive arguments. First, a video of comedian Lewis Black describing his failure to learn from experience every year around Halloween:

Next, this stick figure comic offers a pretty bad argument. Why is it bad? (Let us know in the comments!)

By the third trimester, there will be hundreds of babies inside you.

There's another stick-figure comic about scientists' efforts to get as big a sample size as they can to improve their arguments.

1 comment:

  1. The stick figure above is a bad agrument for and the following reasons:(1) the number of husbands does not proceed beyond the number 1 and (2) it states "as you can see"...four dozen husbands...and so on.
    See what? How can that be? Sure, we can "assume" because we see the line is obviously inclined hence, more husbands but to assume is no good either.
